Web Hosting and Domains
AB3 Design provides a professional, secure web hosting service only for websites designed and built by AB3 Design. Websites are hosted with Dreamhost, the world’s largest service provider of WordPress websites. Business hosting fees start from £60 per quarter and are payable in advance, per quarter, bi-annually, or annually, depending on prior agreement with the client. Failure to keep up-to-date with web design or hosting fees may result in hosting being terminated or withheld.
Domain names:
AB3 may register client domain names for which a small domain name registration fee will be charged. This fee varies depending on the domain name and registration period (one or two years). Domain name fees must be paid within 30 days of registration. Failure to pay domain registration fees within 30 days of registration may result in non-renewal of the domain by AB3 Design. Domain names may be transferred to the client at any time providing domain name fees are paid and up-to-date. AB3 will charge a small fee for domain name transfer.
Website Domains:
All websites designed by AB3 Design are produced in WordPress, the world’s most popular software for building professional websites. Related softwares or plugins that are designed specifically to work in WordPress, may be purchased to enhance specific functionality of the website, eg; a Twitter feed.
Domains tranferred to AB3 Design/Dreamhost:
Domains can be transferred to AB3 Design at any time. AB3 Design will require the IP details of the existing service provider, or may contact the existing service provider directly. Transfers may take up to 60 days maximum from this contact date although this will usually be transferred within a few days.
Domains tranferred from AB3 Design/Dreamhost:
Domains can be transferred from AB3 Design at any time on client request. AB3 Design will charge a domain transfer fee depending on transfer content. In the event of a domain being transferred from AB3 Design, the new service provider must contact AB3 Design with the new IP details. Transfers may take up to 60 days maximum from this contact date although this will usually be transferred within a few days. Clients wishing to transfer a website from AB3 Design should be aware that the bespoke softwares and plugins used in building the website may require individual licences and that licences are non-transferrable from AB3 Design. New licences will therefore need to be purchased by the new service provider in order for the website to look and function as previously. Software and plugins may require updating and AB3 Design takes no responsibility in ensuring that content, functionality and layout should appear the same after transfer.
For queries relating to the above, please contact us via the Contact page on this website.